Whitburn Surgery

The Flu  and Shingles vaccines will be delivered in September, and all eligible patients should make an appointment with Reception.

Eligible Patients for the flu vaccine are:

  • All patients 65 years and over
  • Patients with chronic diseases e.g. Heart Disease, Diabetes, COPD, Chronic Asthma, Liver & Kidney Disease
  • Pregnant Ladies
  • Carers

Who can have the shingles vaccination?

From September 1 2015 the shingles vaccine is routinely available to people aged 70 and 78. You become eligible for the vaccine on the first day of September 2015 after you’ve turned 70 or 78 and remain so until the last day of August 2016.

In addition, anyone who was eligible for immunisation in the first two years of the programme but has not yet been vaccinated against shingles remains eligible until their 80th birthday. This includes:

  • people aged 71 and 72 on 1 September 2015
  • people aged 79

You can have the shingles vaccination at any time of year, though many people will find it convenient to have it at the same time as their annual flu vaccination. Unlike the flu injection, it is only given once.

Please contact the surgery for further information or to book an appointment.

Opening Times